maandag 22 juli 2013

The Diary of Nachenthaly Francisco

Day 6, 8th of July, Lithuania

Hogy Vagy! That is basically the only thing I have remembered during the morning-program on Monday. Guess that was caused by the fact that it was MONDAY! The most energetic day of the week. Anyway, for those who want to know what Hogy Vagy means, please look it up, because I want to know it too. It is in Hungarian by the way. I do remember though that Dobro means good in Croatian, but I am not quite sure if it is written correctly. I am not sure if it is obvious, but to make it obvious for everyone anyway, the morning started with a language-session. Everyone got to learn "How are you?" "Very Good" "Good" and "Bad" in all the five languages that surrounded us: Lithuanian, Hungarian, Croatian, Latvian, English and Dutch. I really want to learn you all these interesting words, but as said before, my memory is not that excellent. Especially not when we had to pay attention to the "school-board" inside, while the sun was shining so attractively outside. My apologies for that, but.. No worries, there is still an excellent program called Google Translate. 

I recall telling you all about an evaluation session in the blog of the 5th day, which was held on the 6th day. We did that as well! It was mostly FUN; not the evaluation, but the subject of the evaluation, being the Sunday. And almost everyone hoped that everyday would be like the Sunday. 

In the evening, when the sun was under, we decided to be athletic... We wanted to do all kind of sports, but since going to the supermarket for some Coca Cola, Chips and Candy was more attractive, we ended up playing Volleybal with the rest of the less Cola-addicted crowd at the training centre. The less-sportive ones of us decided to watch the others being sportive, now it is up to you to guess in which group I was! 

Much greetings from me, here in Holland, with 30 degrees outside,

Nachenthaly Francisco

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